Other Diseases

Kidney Disease – The connection between chronic oral infections and renal inflammation and eventual renal damage works as follows: Chronic infections have large quantities of bacteria and other microorganisms. These microorganisms produce large amounts of metabolic products that are often proteins. These metabolic products get into the blood stream and are eventually filtered out at the kidneys. Because the body’s immune system recognizes these metabolic products as foreign protein; an immune response takes place in the kidney tissue. This chronic inflammatory response in the kidneys over a long period of time causes damage to the kidneys. Because there are no microorganisms at the sight; the inflammatory cells appear to be attacking the kidney’s tissues for no reason. It would therefore be easy to mistake this problem for an autoimmune disease. However, if we find and eliminate the primary infection; the problems in the kidney should clear up on their own

Liver Disease – The connection to oral infections is exactly the same as the mechanism for kidney disease.

Gastric Cancer – Gastric cancer is generally considered to be an eventual result of gastric ulcers. Gastric ulcers are caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). This bacteria can first be incubated in the oral cavity before spreading to the stomach.

Pancreatic Cancer – Believed to be connected to periodontal disease but the mechanism is not clear.

Spirochetes – These are a type of gram negative bacteria that are associated with periodontal diseases in the more advanced stages. A small amount of plaque on the teeth is almost unavoidable and it is generally not that harmful. As the masses of plaque get larger, things change. Because there is very little oxygen at the centre of a large mass of plague; bacteria that need oxygen die out and are replaced by bacteria that can function without oxygen. These are anaerobic bacteria and they tend to be a lot more harmful and destructive. Their waste products are more toxic. The worst of them all are the spirochetes.

There are many kinds of spirochetes but they are all related to the bacteria that cause syphilis and Lyme disease. Most spirochetes produce neurotoxins to some degree. This can lead to neurological problems that resemble Lyme disease and tertiary syphilis. There is also a case to be made that links spirochetes to heart disease, diabetes and some form of dementia. (This link is probably through the process of chronic inflammation.)

Spirochetes are also very hard to kill. Antibiotics are not that effective and some spirochetes can even survive after being ingested by macrophages. They survive very well at the bottom of deeper periodontal pockets. Often a laser is the best way to kill them once they have gotten established.